We realized today on set that in case of emergency, we have no way of knowing who to contact for you! So . . . starting tomorrow, every time you sign in on set, you will be given an additional piece of paper to fill in besides your voucher. It’s an emergency contact form. This will give us up to date information on who to contact if there is an emergency on set and you are unable to communicate. We will also email it to you nightly as part of your info packet so you can print it off and fill it in ahead of time if you want.
Also, this week we have started using our “In Progress Calendar” on our website. Each day, as we receive information about the upcoming day or days, we will post the information here for you to use. This allows us to provide a link to a google map/directions to the parking as well as update info as soon as we get it. Some days will be password protected. If you are scheduled as background, check the “In Progress Calendar” for the latest information for your scene. If it is password protected, you will receive the password in an email. Each day/scene will be a different password.
We love your feedback! Feel free to email us and let us know your suggestions, comments, or praise! We want to get better and better each day at serving the film industry and helping our awesome background!